Employees “On the Ball”?!

Unlimited stories

Have you noticed your coworkers sitting at their workstations on large round balls? I’m often asked what I think of using a ball at work. With recent attention to the active workplace, more and more people are seeking alternative postures to work. One such strategy some employees and employers are turning to is exercise balls in place of their ergonomic chairs. In our office we believe in every alternative way to make work place more suitable and comfortable for our every day experience. We have started a project where everybody can use the Pilates ball during the day instead of our traditional office chairs. Like in every situation we have pros and cons regarding this.



Mare N. Joshevska
  • 5 Min. Read

We can start with pros:

  • It’s fun
  • Alternative seating
  • Dynamic posture
  • Promotes core strength

Probably the best part is the mental stimulation and a sense of ”fun “at work, which is a good moment for every worker.

Cons in this situations are time limited intervals, where it's not recommended to use for a long time... Anyway, in all cases, this is good change from every day routine. Our colleagues accept the idea with thrill! Try it and enjoy it!

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